Friday, October 26, 2012

Let thy morals guide thee

So the blog I’ve chose to write on is found on The Daily Dish , and was written by Andrew Sullivan. The blog focuses on his moral beliefs and why has chosen to with hold support for the Republican candidate this election year. This blog editorial caught my attention because it puts into perspective for me why many people have chosen to support President Barack Obama this election year. I think Mr. Sullivan was reaching out to those with a moral conscious, those that truly consider who their going to vote for despite whichever political party the claim to be apart off. It also sounds like a bit of an “I’m sorry, but...” kind of article towards conservatives that read his blogs.
I’m not familiar with politics, as I’ve mentioned before, so I can’t offer much personal credibility about this author; however, I have been able to find some interesting fact about him. He is a former editor of The New Republic, has written five books, he is a speaker at universities, colleges, and civic organizations in the U.S., and is best known for his blog, The Dish. In his blog editorial, he talks about the main reasons he has decided to support the democratic candidate for this year’s election. He explains why he supports “Obamacare”, states that torture is “simply unacceptable”, and does not support a pre-emptive war against a country that has the ability to create a nuclear bomb but has not made threats to actually do so and use it. His logic is regarding all of these issues is coming from his own moral conscious. He states that the view comes from his Catholic faith and his personal challenges with a pre-existing condition that he would not be able to afford to treat if he did not have private healthcare. He believes that Mitt Romney will bring back torture into this country which Mr. Sullivan is morally against because he believes that allowing torture in the U.S. would give the green light to “every vicious dictator on the planet to do the same”. And in regards to pre-emptive war, he just doesn’t think that just because Iran has the material to make a nuclear bomb, they are still not a threat to any other country because they haven’t actually made any threats.
I appreciate what he’s going after, a clean conscious in regards to his voting, but I don’t 100% agree with his views. I don’t support the healthcare reform because I believe it can be done a different way. I can’t say that Romney won’t bring back torture, but being familiar with his views, I highly doubt it. Ryan on the other hand, well, that’s a different story. I somewhat agree with the pre-emptive war issue. No, we shouldn’t go to war with Iran simply because they can make a nuclear bomb, but I do think they should be monitored very closely.

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