Friday, November 9, 2012

The Nation's best interests, or self-interest?

On Friday, November 09, 2012, David Petraeus resigned as director of the CIA. Petraeus is a retired four-star general that is renowned for his leadership in Iraq and Afghanistan.  He has reportedly resigned after an FBI investigation discovered that he was having an affair with Paula Bradwell, his biographer and an Army Reserves officer. David Patraes has been married for 38 years to Holly Petraeus. There is no doubt that the act is a serious “no, no” because of the position he held. Such an act is considered a breach of security. Had a foreign government found out about the situation, Petraes and Bradwell could have been black mailed. And, this offence is enough to warrant court martial. However, despite the serious consequences of a marital affair for someone in the position of CIA Director, the timing of his resignation has stirred up questions of why now and how long did the President really know about it. Petraeus was supposed to testify about the 9/11 attacks this year in Benghazi, where terrorists attacked a U.S. consulate without ever receiving aid from the U.S. military. When news of the attacks broke, the CIA reported that it was a protest gone bad due to an anti-Muslim film. Weeks after, the truth came out that it was a deliberate premeditated attack and that CIA officials knew about it even while the attack was happening but denied sending military support to those still alive and fighting for their lives. The question about David Petraeus’ resignation is not "why did he do it", it is could there be an underlying reason why the FBI reported the information about the affair just before Patraeus was to testify about the Benghazi attack?
                The answer to that may never be known, but it is extremely suspicious. It’s possible that Patraeus had information that could be detrimental to the CIA and the Whitehouse regarding their decisions and failed cover up bogus story about the Benghazi attack. What is extremely worrisome is that Washington and our newly re-elected President have obviously determined that a marital affair is far more of a serious national security threat above a right out attack in progress on a U.S.  consulate by terrorists, especially during a presidential election where information most definitely would have hindered the chances for the incumbent to win the election. One can only hope and pray that there are some officials in Washington that have the moral standards to recognize what a serious national security breach is.

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