Monday, October 1, 2012

Here we go!

     My name is Lucinda, but you can call me Lucy. I tend to think of myself as a real simple girl. I love my family, I love my friends, I tolerate my job, I’m fairly satisfied with my two bedroom apartment, I can’t diet or exercise to save my life; I’m enjoying what life is giving me right now. My focus is on my work, my family, my survival. But one of my biggest flaws is the fact that I’m a sensitive soul. I’m fragile, my feelings get hurt easily and I’m very careful not to hurt anyone else’s for fear that they will dislike me and secretly roll their eyes when I speak. So, knowing this, I can’t begin to describe to you the look of fear in my eyes when I read that I would have to write blogs about my “political” views. “Ha! Yeah right… oh, crap!”      
                I am a U.S. citizen that is enjoying the rights she has been given by this country. I don’t, or have ever, thought about changing “the rules”. In my family, politics was NEVER a topic of discussion. I am a first generation American and, well, my family’s focus was never in politics in was usually more on survival (aside from trying to stay under the radar.) So, I’ve grown up just accepting what comes and never really took the time to think of how I can impact our government. I have my personal believes and moral standards that I live every day, but I’ve never really been outspoken about them other then living them every day and hope that my example will influence others to walk along the same line of principles. I know now, after moving to Austin, that this isn’t enough. The crowd here is unlike I’ve ever seen. So out there, so loud about our rights or rights we should have. It’s different.  But now that I’m taking this class, I can’t be the wallflower any longer. I’m not taking this class because I want to; I’m taking it because I have to. But, being the grown up person that I am, I know that I need to take this class. I want to become more knowledgeable in the government that is running this country. I want to be able to form solid opinions about hot topics and know sources to back them up.
                One of my biggest secrets is that I have never voted (a secret my husband has known for years but still gasps in astonishment every time we talk about it.) I couldn’t tell you whether I’m a republican or a democrat because I don’t think I understand liberal or conservative politics well enough to side with one or the other. I can tell you that I do tend to be more on the conservative side of issues. I believe in God and just about everything that comes with that.  But even then, I’m just not sure where to cast my nets. My hope for this class is be better U.S. citizen by gaining knowledge that will help me contribute to this country.

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