Monday, December 3, 2012

#8-Classmate commentary

     The commentary that caught my attention was written by Candace Fitzgerald. Her comments are in regards to the higher taxes for the wealthy that Republicans have been fighting against. She clearly describes the Democratic general views of the issue. President Obama wants Congress to approve a higher tax rate for those wealthy Americans that are making $250,000 or higher. He, along with the rest of the Democratic party, are claiming that not doing do will crash the economy. The additional taxes are intended to help reduce the deficit and allow Congress to spend more money on public services. Republicans have been against this proposed tax increase claiming that those wealthy Americans are the ones providing the jobs therefore stimulation the economy. Imposing higher taxes on the job makers will make it harder for them to fund jobs. Essentially, they are using the trickle down effect of their wealth to provide jobs for the middle class.
     This blog caught my attention because if Congress does not reach an agreement by December 31st, 2012, taxes for all Americans will increase. This in itself is a big deal. Ms. Fitzgerald's clearly sides with the Democratic view that taxes should be increased for the wealthy. Her blog is intended to fuel the fire burning with in those that already side with the Democratic party and maybe instigate a deep conversation with a hardcore Republican. Ms. Fitzgerald has shown her true party alliances by the previous blogs she has posted. I believe that most of her logic is not 100% fact, but more claims that many Democrats are currently making about Republicans. Like many Democrats and Republicans alike, I think much of what Ms. Fitzgerald is misunderstood. There is claim that the wealthy just want to keep the money to themselves, but honestly, if that was the case, why would many of them invest in providing jobs? Why would they fight to keep their businesses open? For any hardworking American that understands the value of putting your sweat and tears into your work knows that running a business can't be easy. Honestly, if the wealthy really wanted to keep the money to themselves they would not be providing jobs. I can't say that I am in 100% agreement with the Republican view, but I sure do disagree with the Democratic view that Republicans are rich snobs.

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